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Our News: Energy Efficiency

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Keep Your Bills Low as Temperatures Rise

It’s the dreaded Dog Days of Summer the temperature outside is rising...

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Five Ways to Save Energy When Working from Home

By Abby Berry Today, more Americans are working from home than ever be...

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Stay Fresh: Five Tips for Better Indoor Air Quality

 By Abby Berry We spend a lot of time indoors. In fact, the Envir...

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5 EASY Ways to Be Energy Efficient this Summer

with AVECC Energy Auditor, Wendy KozenySpring is the perfect time to clean...

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Employee Spotlight- Wendy Kozeny

"My position with AVECC involves conducting energy audits for members&...

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High Numbers Are For Summer Temperatures-Not Your Bill

It’s hot outside which means that it’s time to start thinking a...

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10 Ways To Prep Your House For Cold Weather

10 quick ways to prepare your home for cold weather with Energy Efficiency...

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2014 Energy Efficient Premier Model Home Deemed Success

The 2014 Premier Model Home was a big success!  Over 1,500 people tour...

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Federal Tax Credits for Consumer Energy Efficiency

Under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 which was signed in February 2018,...

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