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Eli Gilstrap - Student Athlete of the Week

Arkansas Valley Electric and Wave Rural Connect Studnent-Athlete of the Week is Eli Gilstrap, a senior running back and linebacker for the Ozark Hillbillies.

Eli has displayed outstanding dedication and defensive performance early in his senior season. He explained, "I have had several good hard runs for loss and tackles."

Eli takes his leadership responsibility seriously, whether on or off the field.

"For off the field, I hope we keep our guys in the word of God. We've got a pretty good group going across the river to the Webb City Baptist Church." Eli believes these shared experiences strengthen their bond and improve their communication on the field.

He explained his on-the-field goals for this season include " win and to keep our team riled up. Of course, we will have highs and lows, but we just need to keep everybody moving forward."

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