Levi Poole - Plugging In Potential

#PluggingInPotential #InternSpotlight
Levi Poole from Cedarville, Arkansas, recently completed his lineman internship at Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative's Van Buren District.
"I knew I wanted to be a lineman in high school but was offered a full ride to the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith. I took advantage of that scholarship, earned a General Studies degree with a concentration in Psychology, and then immediately began working to become a lineman."
This internship has enabled Levi to work part-time as he studied High Voltage Lineman Technology at Arkansas State University - Newport.
Levi recently transitioned into full-time on AVECC's Right of Way crew at the AVECC Headquarters in Ozark, where he will work for three months before returning to the Van Buren District as a fourth-class lineman.
"We get to meet some pretty cool people. It has been so hot outside, and members have been coming out to check on us and ask if we need something to drink. It feels rewarding to see things like that and to be appreciated."
Levi explained how much he appreciates the bond he is building with his coworkers, especially on the late-night jobs. "Everybody becomes a comedian at one o'clock in the mornin'."
He continued, "I enjoy the humor. Everybody at work calls me 'Cocoa.' I don't really know why. Donnie (Donnie Smith, AVECC Serviceman) just called me that one night and it stuck. He even brought me cocoa Puffs one time. I love the joking around here. It keeps work fun."