Trimming improves service reliability

Trees and power lines can be a dangerous mix without regular trimming during the growing season. Tree trimming and vegetation management in right-of-way areas are essential to ensuring reliable electric service. They keep power lines clear of tree limbs, helps to restore power outages more quickly, and they reduce unexpected costs for repairs.
Tree trimming and vegetation maintenance are not only the responsibility of your local cooperative, the Arkansas Public Service Commission and the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration require it.
You can help our crews and contractors maintain rights-of-way and keep electric service reliable by:
• Calling AVECC if you see a tree limb or dead tree that is in danger of falling on a power line.
• Considering the mature height of trees when choosing a suitable planting location. Before you plant, always call 811 to have your underground utilities marked.
• Keeping vehicles, farm equipment, deer stands, fences, buildings and other structures clear of rights-of-way.
Tree trimming and vegetation maintenance are vital to supplying you with safe and reliable electric service. Contact AVECC for more information.