The Power Of Change

by: Barbara Jenkins
The holiday season is officially here! Thanksgiving is this month, Christmas is inching closer, and the new year will ring its bells before you know it.
This is the time of year when family, friends, and the desire to be close to those you love, make their way to the forefront of your mind.
For most, the holiday season is a time of abundance, advent, baked goods, and hearty meals. However, for many in the River Valley, this time of year is the beginning of a harsh winter, cold rooms and hungry stomachs.
Arkansas Valley Electric wants our members to be healthy and happy, especially this year. That’s why we encourage our members to help us serve those members who could use extra help paying their electric bills.
Round Up for Change is a voluntary program allowing members to “round up” their monthly bills to the next highest dollar amount. This small contribution may seem like only pennies a month, but the dollars increase quickly when many members participate.
The average contribution per program participant is just $6 per year. However, an estimated $20,000 will be raised each year and awarded by Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative to local community service organizations which then help our members in need.
Once members notify the cooperative that they would like to participate in this program, Arkansas Valley Electric will round up the utility bills of participating members to the next dollar. For example, if your bill is $41.70, it would be “rounded up” to $42. Your maximum contribution per year could be $11.88, but generally will be less than that, averaging $6 per year. By joining this program, you continue the “neighbor helping neighbor” concept founded by Arkansas Valley Electric years ago.